Friday, July 11, 2003

Disk Storage
Jim Grey is mailing disks and computers because it's a faster way to move gigabytes of data than sending it through the net. A fascinating interview with JG and David Patterson (co-inventor of RISC and RAID) at ACM Queue.

Key quote: “We have an embarrassment of riches in that we're able to store more than we can access. Capacities continue to double each year, while access times are improving at 10 percent per year. So, we have a vastly larger storage pool, with a relatively narrow pipeline into it. We're not really geared for this...the fundamental problem is that we are building a larger reservoir with more or less the same diameter pipe coming out of the reservoir. We have a much harder time accessing things inside the reservoir”.

The excess of capacity versus access is already having some interesting second-order effects, not the least of which is providing the raison d'etre for my new employer. I have to send this to some of the folks I work with. The implications are just huge. Among other things, I hope this is what will end the retrograde directions we're seeing in the database world.

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