Monday, June 23, 2003


Found lots of interesting stuff surfing:

Random Hacks posits a third alternative to the showdown between Microsoft and Open Source as to the future of software development.

Artima is a software community-oriented site with lots of good content that also hosts a remarkable set of weblogs. Among other things, a good interview with Andrew Hunt and Dave Thomas (the Pragmatic Programmer guys) on the value of storing persistent data in plain text and the ways they feel XML is being misused. Bruce Eckel's interview on Artima and some of the entries in his weblog have convinced me to give Python, a language I'd previously dismissed, a try.

The only problem is that I still want to learn Ruby. Plus I need to finish crossing the t's and dotting the i's on Chrysalis so I can put out an initial alpha release and then work on adding support for MySQL. Plus I need to get working on finishing my series of essays on software development. Not to mention that I start a new job in a week. And there's that biography of Frida Kahlo I'm trying to read.

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