Saturday, June 21, 2003

Ideology - Things that make me go hmmm
Glenn Reynolds, who should know better, implies anyone who's questioning our efforts in rebuilding Iraq is a fifth columnist who will cost us the war. This comes at the end of a link to a thought-provoking article by Victor Davis Hansen in the National Review Online.

Ann Coulter, who doesn't know any better, resurrects the ghost of Joe McCarthy as a great patriot smeared by treasonous liberals. Actual, unretouched quote: “The left cut down a brave man, but not before the American people heard the truth”.

Fortunately, I can get away from all this and head down to San Diego to “take direct action against the many issues and facets of the system that maintains a world based on power, class, race, sex, and species”.

Or I could just stay home and oppress my loved ones, like any good middle-aged white male.

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