Monday, June 16, 2003

Another Anti-Ideological Rant
Further proof that ideology is the opposite of critical thinking:

Read this for the brilliant insight that because Bill Clinton lied about a sordid affair with an intern, the debate over whether the Administration lied about the WMDs is irrelevant. The original article being criticized is equally noteworthy for overstating the case to fulfill its ideological biases: “[there is] odd unwillingness to state the simple fact that in many cases the White House lied to the American public, repeatedly and unashamedly...”.

A pox on both your houses. This is how the real truth gets obscured - by being hidden under the rubble of partisan nonsense.

The White House didn't lie - it slanted and manipulated information in order to sell its already agreed-upon strategy. This isn't a story about conspiracy; it's about how those in power use the tools of modern public relations to advance their agenda, obscuring their real intentions by hiding them behind a smokescreen of emotionally charged issues. The previous administration practiced essentially the same tactics (although perhaps not with the panache of the current one).

The second-order story is how pundits of all sides also use the tactics of modern P.R. - most notably, the personal attack to discredit the target and obscure the target's argument - to advance their agendas (and careers).

An informed citizenry needs to understand this, so that it can look past the smokescreen and gain an understanding of what's really going on and why. Cheap gibes at overly earnest partisan rhetoric are just noise.

Here's something to help clear away the fumes.

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