Friday, May 30, 2003

Politics and Society
Ah, so now you're bigot if you don't like Republicans? Oh, those poor oppressed GOP'ers. Let's just make it a hate crime to call any registered Republican mean or vulgar names, OK?

Now, I dislike the condescension, elitism, and hypocrisy of certain elements of the left just as much as I dislike the mean-spiritedness and intolerance of certain elements on the right. But comparing the above to having a cross burned in your front yard or being denied employment because of your race/religion/gender is specious nonsense.

I read Instapundit every day and like it. But there are those moments, like the reference to the article above, where Glenn Reynolds stops thinking and starts being a conservative ideologue. And that's precisely when Instapundit stops being worthwhile and interesting. (To be fair, I can make a similar criticism of, say, Noam Chomsky's writings or of the Tom Paine site).

Subscribing to any ideology - liberal, conservative, or anything else - means you've stopped thinking for yourself and have surrendered that most personal of prerogatives to someone else.

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