Thursday, July 15, 2004

What happened to preview mode? I had to rewrite the previous post 10 times before I got it to look right. (And it still sucks, but that can't be blamed on the tool).

Blogging tools are the flint axes of software. I use MoveableType at work for an internal blog I set up, and it's only incrementally better. It isn't really fair to compare them to, say, my IDE, since one is a native program and the other is HTML-based. But is it that hard to do some simple WYSIWYG features? Like highlighting a piece of text you want to link and having a window pop up to enter the URL, instead of #!@&%$ A HREF=blah, blah, blah. Would it be that friggin' hard?

Joel on Software, btw, has some really good essays on the subject of improving HTML-based client apps here and here. He actually starts talking about towards the end of this article here and he's still talking about it here.

Friggin A HREF=#!@&*!^$

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